It Gets Worse. If the Board Won’t Fire Wardynski, All Five Must Resign. Now.

Over at geekpalaver, you’ll find all the relevant information on Wardynski’s latest outrageous behavior. Briefly, on September 17 a 15-year-old girl was assaulted, her ribs bruised, in a bathroom at Butler High by at least three other girls who then stole her top and bra forcing her to seek help through the halls of a high school with her chest exposed. The facts are not in dispute. When something horrible like this happens, there should be a clear, unequivocal procedure to follow.

Here’s the clincher: only after her mother told the story to WAFF, only after Wardynski realized he was going to be shown up again as a failure, did he do the most minimal of things to help this child that is, grant the transfer out of Butler her mother had sought for ten days. And mind you, this is only a temporary transfer. And Wardynski then sabotaged the girl’s safety further by, for no reason whatsoever, revealing to all the world where she is going.

The man has the moral fiber of puddle scum.

There are three School Resource Officers at Butler. That is, there are three Huntsville Police Department officers at Butler.

The three girls who pounded on the one were not simply breaking school rules or misbehaving.

They committed a crime.

I want to know why the following did not happen:

1. The girl should have been seen immediately by the school nurse, HEMSI summoned, and then likely transported to the ER. If there is bruising, ribs could have been broken. She could have been concussed.

2. Simultaneously, her mother or an emergency contact should have been summoned.

3. Either at the school or in the ER, a police report should have been filed and the girl’s injuries photographed. At this point a case number is assigned by HPD.

4. The mother should have been instructed on how to go to the Neaves Center (detention home)  on Oakwood Avenue to sign a juvenile delinquency petition against her daughter’s attackers. Since the girl is a minor, a parent or guardian has to do this. This is the same as pressing charges.

5. The girl should have immediately been offered a permanent transfer to the school of her choice. Why the hell is there any question about getting a transfer out of Butler for any student these days? It has failed and failed and failed to come up to minimal state standards.

6. The 2012-2013 Parent Student Handbook says that “an intentional assault upon any individual which does not result in serious physical harm” is a Class II offense; one that causes “serious physical injury” is a Class III. Suspension is the first response to a Class II, and expulsion is “normally” the consequence of a Class III, “with a suspension to the hearing panel unless otherwise authorized by the Superintendent” [5A, 7A-8A]. While they hash out the fairly wide divide between not serious and serious physical harm, immediately the same thing should have happened: suspension.

7. Whatever the HCS decides to do or not do has nothing to do with the criminal case against the girls. This little “temporary” transfer is so bogus and disgusting and shows no understanding of real life. Months are going to pass before the girls’ criminal trial. And let’s say that in spite of the event being on film the DA’s office completely botches the case, are the child who was beaten and her three assailants going to live happily ever after? Get real.

I hope this girl’s family sues the HCS to hell and back.

If the Board doesn’t have the guts to admit they have made a very, very big mistake in hiring Wardynski — if they can’t face up to the fact of their failure — then each one needs to resign.

As for you, Wardynski, may I suggest a trip to Afghanistan so you can see some combat up close and personal for once in your glorious career? Isn’t it about time you visited some field hospitals and met some of those kids your game America’s Army enticed into the military? Or maybe you could make yourself useful by accompanying some of their corpses home?

Just get the hell out of the lives of our kids.

6 thoughts on “It Gets Worse. If the Board Won’t Fire Wardynski, All Five Must Resign. Now.

  1. This girl’s situation and the way it was handled does not surprise me in the least. Last Spring my daughter was sexually harassed in homeroom. She reluctantly went to seek assistance (assuming nothing would be done as usual). She filed a school incident report (security officers present) against the offender in the Vice Principal’s office. I had a followup visit with the Vice Principal and asked her to tell me what occurred. She told me to tell her what I heard. Rather than fall for the HCS usual tricks of the trade, I told her I wanted a copy of the report my daughter filed. She said it might take a while. I gave her my contact numbers and told her to call me when I could pick it up in the front office. To date, I have not received my requested copy of report. What ensued was unprofessional conduct on the part of the school (particularly during follow-up visit my daughter had with same Vice Principal against same offender in her office). My daughter’s professiional counselor intervened with the school system. The Principal was instructed to call my daughter’s Counselor. Principal called me at home, told me he’s had a piece of paper on the corner of his desk that he’s finally getting around to and then proceeded to ask me what my daughter’s counselor wanted to talk to him about. I told him to call the Counselor. After that conversation…. surprise!!!! …. within the next few days there was a school-wide “Bullying Program” put on in the gym emceed by none other than Vice Principal.


  2. Pingback: Wardynski Puts Propaganda Before Student Safety - Geek Palaver

  3. The board needs to resign regardless, this includes the newly elected and the re-elected, and be replaced by people who will put ALL children first.

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